July 5, 2009

The countryside in Japan

Today I went for a drive with my friend, Bond. I call him Bond because he is a freak of 007 movie:D After shopping, we decided to go to the countryside.

Both of us were getting sick of busy life in a big city. Since my friend, Bond and I commute to Shinjuku on the week, we were dying of beautiful mountains, forests and streams!

...of course, every country has traffic jams(^^;)

After a while, we arrived in Saitama prefecture. The views were completely different from Tokyo. The air is clean and it's very peaceful.

An hour later, we rested at a parking area. What a beautiful place it was! Bond and I were walking around for a while. I took a couple of pictures.

A couple minutes later, we left that place and headed for a restaurant. We had Okonomi-yaki.

Have you ever had this Japanese food? It was very delicious. You should give it a try, when you come to Japan^^

My wonderful holiday passed like this way. It's been a long time since I visited the countryside.


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